Making a Career Move
Changing jobs brings considerable challenges that many avoid. Common psychological barriers include:
Fear of rejection, often stemming from impostor syndrome.
Apprehension about new beginnings.
Lack of motivation.
Perceived lack of time and agency.
Concern about retaliation.
Inability to identify better opportunities.
However, none of these fears are truly justified and can be logically overcome.
The Process🔗
The first step in deciding to switch jobs is examining one's motivations. Next, weigh the pros and cons visually. Finally, create a decision grid and consult trusted connections like family, friends or colleagues before settling on a firm yes or no.
Some common personal motivations are:
Desire for improved compensation (e.g. moving to a higher-paying senior role).
Current role feels unchallenging, boring and/or repetitive.
Toxic work environment (work-life balance, stress, lack of influence).
Poor team and leadership (unenjoyable colleagues, no mentors, high attrition).
Each of these motivations can be evaluated on its own merits and should provide enough rationale to determine whether one should stay or move on.